Reader Review: Neverwhere

Neverwhere book coverNeverwhere” is an early Neil Gaiman novel that looks into the depths of London — both in terms of the existential crisis of a young urban professional and what happens when said yuppie discovers there’s a whole world below the London Underground. What follows is a venture-quest full of unexpected characters and situations that are simultaneously completely impossible and totally believable. There are shadings of Terry Pratchett and Piers Anthony, a touch of Lovecraft, and a fair helping of Gaiman’s ability to re-imagine familiar folklore and mythology.

I listened to the audio book and Neil Gaiman’s voicing skills make the story come to life.

Three words that describe this book: imaginative, madcap, down-below

You might want to pick this book up if: You ever wondered if the ragged guy talking to himself in the subway station was actually perfectly sane.


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